Archive for August 25th, 2009
Title: Gyakuten Kenji (逆転検事), Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Console: NDS
Genre: Mystery, Adventure
Language: Japanese
Company: Capcom
Title: The World Ends With You / Subarashiki Kono Sekai (すばらしきこのせかい)
Console: NDS
Genre: RPG (Action), Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix/Jupiter
Title: Tales of Rebirth (テイルズ オブ リバース)
Console: PSP
Genre: RPG (Action), Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: Official PS2 port. If there were only ONE Tales game to play on a portable console, I’d choose this one.
Title: Lamento ~Beyond the Void~ (ラメント ビヨンド ザ ヴォイド)
Console: PC
Genre: Visual Novel, BL, R-18
Language: Japanese
Company: Nitro+CHiRAL
Title: Digimon Savers ~Another Mission~ (デジモンセイバーズ アナザーミッション)
Console: PS2
Genre: RPG (turn-based), Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: I loveddddd that it was a Savers game, I just wish they would’ve done MORE!!!!
More detail with my fanart and personal highlights here. This review is my more “objective” view with it (but some of my pro-Savers biases still included)
Title: Toradora! Portable (とらドラ! PSP)
Console: PSP
Genre: Visual Novel, Adventure
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco Bandai
Title: Blazer Drive (ブレイザードライブ)
Console: NDS
Genre: RPG (strategy), Card Game
Language: Japanese
Company: SEGA