Title: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム 蒼炎の軌跡 Fire Emblem: Path of the Blue Flame)
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム 暁の女神 Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn)
Platform: Gamecube, Wii
Genre: SRPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo
Summary: Doing a proper playthrough for Tellius after my ignoramus runthrough back in 2010. Naturally, enjoying it a lot more this time!
Title: Kirby’s Epic Yarn ヨッシーウールワールド
Platform: Nintendo Wii U
Genre: Action
Language: English
Company: Good-Feel, Nintendo
Title: Inazuma Eleven Strikers (イナズマイレブンストライカーズ)
Console: Nintendo Wii
Genre: Action, Super-dimensional Soccer
Language: Japanese
Company: Level-5
Summary: Expecting big things since the game was delayed multiple times!
Screenshots up to the first “ending” are up. I’ve added my overall score and may fill in parts of the other sections later down the line… or I might just move on, because by then I will probably be buried in Inazuma Eleven GO 3DS. XDDD
I may expand the review a little more once I’ve had my off time from this game long enough and tried Extreme. But considering the few elements they added to Extreme, I doubt I’ll be changing my overall score.

Title: Oboro Muramasa 朧村正
Console: Wii (Vita port 2013)
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese / English
Company: Marvelous
Summary: Yocchin playing more oni characters XD~ Kisuke 鬼助~
Despite being “RPG”, besides leveling up and gathering inventory, it’s mostly action still. XD; But the movements are so FLUID and graphics so PRETTY and music so AWESOME it makes the adrenaline I usually dislike fully worth it. Plus yocchin <3
Title: Arc Rise Fantasia アークライズファンタジア
Console: Wii
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Marvelous
Summary: Subtle spoilers in the review.
Title: Fire Emblem Akatsuki no Megami
Console: Wii
Genre: SRPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Replay Value:
Overall: 6. After being spoiled with the character offerings from Fire Emblem 7 and the other GBA games, this was quite a turn backward for me. I especially don’t appreciate the lack of availability of the characters (many of the useful characters will be unavailable for dispatch for like half of the entire game), and without a guide, it becomes an ultimate chore to pull through. I don’t really care about the continuing story from the Gamecube game. It just wasn’t that fun.