Archive for May, 2012
Title: Uta no☆Prince-Sama♪: Debut [うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪Debut]
Console: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Broccoli
Summary: The long-awaited sequel to Uta no Prince-sama is here! kitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ktkr.
Slowly getting S ranks on UtaPri Debut songs Pro Level~
Class S routes are available from the start, including Cecil! 8D! But I’m starting with Shou, because I like my shorties voiced by hiro-tan. XD;
But so um, after Shou’s route I literally just skipped through everyone else’s to unlock their songs for the Extra/Practice feature. I did randomly chance to stop at a scene in Cecil’s route where Hijirikawa goes completely out of character (w), so I might go back to that one sometime. But other than that I’m not so sure… anyone want to rec? I do feel I should at least go through some routes to find out the backgrounds of each of the 4 new guys. Ai’s was pretty interesting, it should be good when the anime sequel starts showing.
Title: Scared Rider Xechs + FD Portable スカーレッドライダーゼクス + FDポータブル
Console: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Red Entertainment, Rejet
Summary: I was going through the site when this was still PS2 only, and I was sooo excited for it…! The music and character songs only added to the excitement, because those character songs are really addicting.
But after years long wait for a PSP version and playing it, I’m not even motivated enough to finish the story after making it up to episode 6 or so. It got so repetitive, boring and aimless to me, I just can’t.
If someone wants to convince me otherwise, by all means try, but until then I’m just going to put this one into the tossbin.
Title: Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Final Fantasy 13-2)
Console: PS3
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Lesson learned from XIII is to wait until I could get this game for dirt cheap. I waited to get the jp version brand new for $30.
But the game still comes to $50+ after getting all the DLC I’m interested in (the extra episodes plus Lightning character). Dammit Squenix this is why I can’t give you perfect scores lately no matter how fanciful your graphics and junk are.
Title: Fire Emblem Kakusei ファイアーエムブレム覚醒
Console: Nintendo 3DS
Genre: Strategy RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Summary: Doing a whole ton of gaiden chapters and working through various support conversations occupied me a good 72 hours before I beat the game. VERY strong Fire Emblem game! Very well worth the $55 I spent to get the Japanese version.
It’s been too many years since I’ve had the support system enjoyment of the GBA games and player control that isn’t ridiculously limited like the Wii game~ And I skipped Gamecube completely. And the DS games were just remakes which I played and got bored of relatively quickly.
But THIS one’s kept me going. Mostly cuz I’m a girl and I want those support conversations. DEAL.
I am bawwww at the lack of S level supports for same gender characters. I want my bromance and sisterhoods too, kthx. But I AM wonderfully pleased at the sheer amount of supports in this game overall. Mmmmm~