Posts Tagged ‘Namco’

Title: Tales of Xillia 2
Console: PS3
Genre: Action RPG, Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: Direct sequel of Tales of Xillia.
The original ToX was so easy to platinum that I started going back to Graces F and Vesperia to attempt to platinum those too, but those titles are going to require me extra gameplay/s. They will take me longer than I first anticipated.
Just got my ToX2 in the mail (11/13) and I ended up starting it that night! I got to the end of chapter 3 in just a couple hours… I’m assuming the rest of the game isn’t going to that fast. I do worry that this whole “choice” system is a soddy excuse to make the game seem longer when you replay it instead of actually providing more content, but I could be utterly wrong and get a pleasant surprise. Best to lower my expectations and then get something better out of it :P
Cleared the game with both normal and true ending, still need to get the bad ending in a second playthrough (I can’t bring myself to get a bad ending first time through and I forgot to keep a seperate save for it– Got that bad ending… Also, I found out recently that the bad ending is required for 200 grade points, which I find lame). In the end, I would pretty much say this is a gameplay improvement compared to the first game (which is honestly not hard to do). Mostly because of 3 additional playable characters, which provides for a much wider spectrum of link artes–and possibly more once I get through more of the post-game material. Story-wise, I generally preferred the first game for personal reasons, however.
Title: Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave テイルズ オブ ザ ヒーローズ ツインブレイヴ
Console: PSP
Genre: Action, Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: Like the Radiant Mythology series, I don’t have the time to grind mindless hours into this title, so just gonna enjoy what I can with the help of another’s save file. :D Thank you~~
Does this really need a review? XDDD Just noting it down for reference anyway.
Title: Tales of Xillia
Console: PS3
Genre: Action RPG, Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: 100% Platinum Trophy in around 100 hours.
And in the far future I will probably then bother with a third replay to re-enjoy the story with max grade.
Various light spoilers in the reviews, but as usual I stay away from any major spoilers. Ffff, I ship Jude/Milla so hard. バリボー\^ω^/
Title: Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 3 テイルズ オブ ザ ワールド レディアント マイソロジー3
Console: PSP
Genre: RPG (Action), Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: Thanks to gamefaqs contributors, I started with a New Game+ to save myself a whole ton of grinding. XD; Despite having so many all-star characters to play with, I have a lot more fun playing the PS3 Tales titles, so I really didn’t want to take the time to grind. Thanks, contributors Finished the main plot.

Title: Tales of Graces F
Console: PS3
Genre: Action RPG, Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: Currently at around 200 hours of gameplay, I’m on my fourth run which might be my last even though I STILL didn’t get every grade shop upgrade I wanted. ORZ Maybe in a decade later if things are still moving along, I’ll feel the nostalgia enough to pull through a fifth playthrough. XD It’s one of those good ones.
Title: Keroro RPG Kishi to Musha to Densetsu no Kaizoku
Console: NDS
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai NAMCO
Title:Tales of Hearts (Anime Version)
Tales of Hearts R テイルズ オブ ハーツR
Console: NDS/Vita
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Famitsu gave the DS version a 33/40 (compared to 35/40 and 36/40 they’ve given to the other mothership titles, Abyss, Innocence, Vesperia, Graces), which I would agree with (but I don’t agree with their 32/40 for Rebirth. :| ).
Vita result – Great, but not as impressed as I hoped to be. Beat main story at around 30 hours. Dunno how much post-content stuff I’ll get through, but I do eventually want to do a second playthrough, since I didn’t bother with any subevents unless I came across them coincidentally.
Title: Tales of Innocence テイルズ オブ イノセンス
Tales of Innocence R テイルズ オブ イノセンス R
Console: NDS, Vita
Genre: Action RPG, Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: DS result – I lost my save file for this a while back and had to start over, and now I keep forgetting to continue my play for this even though I do want to finish it. My usual incomplete RPG syndrome. XD;
Vita – Completed in under 30 hrs. Characters were level 70 post-game (out of 200) at the 30-hour mark. Pretty short, but fun! The two additional characters are really fun to play as well.
Title: Summon Night X: Tears Crown
Console: NDS
Genre: Turn-based RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Title: Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream (トラスティベル ~ショパンの夢~) (US title: Eternal Sonata)
Console: PS3
Genre: Single player RPG, Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco, Tri-Crescendo