Archive for October, 2011
Title: Final Fantasy Type-0 (ファイナルファンタジー零式)
Console: PSP
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix
Summary: First off the bat, this title renews my faith in the Final Fantasy series a bit, since lately I’d been somewhat unimpressed compared with the hype. This title actually follows through with the hype for the most part.
Finished my 2nd playthrough. I must suck since I didn’t get the alternate ending even though I picked the 2nd choice for all those creepy red screens, so I ended up just watching it on Tudou. >_> Will probably end up creeping slowly around my 3rd playthrough with a guide to get all the side junk I missed. Thank goodness just about everything carries over.
Title: Tales of the Abyss
Console: PS2, Nintendo 3DS (port)
Genre: Tales of the Abyss
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: My first 3DS game purchase! I watched the anime when it aired in Japan and enjoyed it. But since I know the story already, I might get sidetracked while I play this .___.; I did spend a hefty dollar to get the game though, so I’ll be sure to enjoy every dollar it’s worth eventually~ Luke \o/
10 years later I end up just emulating it on PS2 to get 60fps and 4k graphics. :V Finished the game for real this time though, instead of stopping somewhere after Yulia City, I believe.