Posts Tagged ‘10/10’
Title: God of War + Ragnarok
Platform: PS4, PS5
Genre: Action
Language: English
Company: Santa Monica Studio
Summary: It’s pretty much worth going through the horrors of the oldschool games to appreciate Kratos as a character in these. lol
I don’t have too much to say atm since it all goes into spoiler territory, but it is EXCELLENT.
Title: Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon
Platform: PC
Genre: Turn-based RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, SEGA
After the entire Kiryu saga, I had plenty of reservations about a new gen of Yakuza, with a change from action to turn-based combat to exacerbate my concerns. Still…
Title: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Platform: Switch
Genre: Visual Novel + RTS
Language: Japanese
Company: Vanillaware
Summary: I had mixed expectations for this game from Vanillaware but they very much exceeded overall!

Title: The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Platform: PC
Genre: Adventure
Language: English
Company: Davey Wreden and William Pugh
Summary: Played the original a long time ago, amazed to see this Ultra Deluxe out. And it doesn’t disappoint!
Title: Yakuza 0 – 6
Platform: PC
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, SEGA
Summary: The entire Yakuza Kiryu saga is the perfect dose of Masaru manliness + stupid + wholesome content I’ve been hungering since Digimon Savers ended in 2007. So blessed and I will treasure it forever… thank you Ryu Ga Gotoku studio and all involved.
I’m perfectly Smiling face with happy with the ending even if some are salty that it wasn’t some other way in their boohoo headcanons. If anything, I just need more Majima content which will surely happen anyway.
Title: Judgment
Platform: PS4
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, SEGA
Summary: Also on PS5 but we don’t have that yet. :3
I didn’t know I needed Kimura Takuya doing all this weird madness but I’m HERE FOR IT.
One of those fun cases where I get into something just before a sequel or something is announced, and things are just gonna get better. XD
Title: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Faiā Emuburemu Fūkasetsugetsu (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月)
Platform: Switch
Genre: SRPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo
Summary: Director Kasukihara wasn’t kidding when he said one House takes 80 hrs. I started off with Golden Deer (Claude) and have done all four routes in order of Golden Deer > Church > Blue Lions > Edelgard. My “final” New game+ with ALL THE THINGS (all students, etc) will be on my everlasting favorite–Golden Deer. But I do love all the houses to some extent and I’ll be doing a TON of replays (all on Maddening from now on) anyway.
The games were kind of Otome RPG-esque since Awakening, but WOW they stepped it up even more for this one. SUCH OTOME RPG (for Claude).
Title: Fire Emblem Fates ファイアーエムブレムif
Platform: 3DS
Genre: Strategy RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Title: Super Smash Bros. 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ
Platform: Nintendo 3DS/Wii U
Genre: Action
Language: Japanese/English
Company: Nintendo
Title: Goat Simulator
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genre: Adventure
Language: English
Company: Coffee Stain Studios
Summary: Yes.