Posts Tagged ‘9/10’

17th January
written by Splash

Title: Fire Emblem Engage ファイアーエムブレム エンゲージ
Platform: Switch
Genre: SRPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo
Summary: Cleared Hard without skipping cutscenes, watching all the supports I got on the way etc, in less than 60 hrs.

I early on preordered two copies of 3H, one physical for the limited edition bonuses, one digital so I wouldn’t have to wait on shipping. For this one however, I’m just sticking with just the physical limited edition. The main selling point would’ve been an art designer that I really like (the character designer’s art is nice, but it’s not Kozaki Yuusuke or Kurahana Chinatsu levels for me), or confirmation of Kondoh Rei’s involvement with the music, and this title has neither of those. Many aspects I’ve heard about the game have been positive though, so I still look forward to it once it arrives within a week after launch. Just a few days to wait! XD

Also still seeking confirmation on Koei Tecmo/Gust involvement for this title? No one seems to have the full deets on this. I’ve been informed that this is this game is built on Unity though, so modding is fairly easy.

8th January
written by Splash

Title: Live A Live
Platform: Switch
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese, English
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Significantly better than I thought it’d be, after some dulling experiences with Squenix’s modern pixel games in general. But this one’s a big remastering of an old SNES title, and another good one to add to the resume after FF7:CCR

Big kudos to raising Akira out of joke status, I am a big fan

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29th August
written by Splash

Title: Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Platform: Switch
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese, English
Company: Monolith Soft
Summary: I’ll probably never bother putting up entries for the first two, because neither of those two really left enough of a (positive) impression on me to bother. This one’s pretty decent though.

Also another big case of playing it on PC instead of the Switch adds a TON of QoL, just like with X. The biggest thing that keeps the Xenoblade series back from its “full potential” is Nintendo hardware. :V …but I’ll keep it in the Switch category here.

17th June
written by Splash

Title: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes ファイアーエムブレム無双 風花雪月
Platform: Switch
Genre: Action Musou
Language: Japanese
Company: Koei Tecmo, Intelligent Systems, Nintendo
Summary: The only thing really holding this game back is the Switch itself, but what can you do LOL. (besides emulate cough). The Treasure Box is really beautiful though ^q^ no regrets

I’ll try to go into more detail once I’ve finally done the Arval paralogue and completed these alternate routes.

24th May
written by Splash

Title: Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Platform: PS4
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Vanillaware
Summary: Uhh I’ve had this for a long time and have been slacking on finishing it. It’s been loads of fun though!

26th August
written by Splash

Title: NEO The World Ends With You
Platform: Switch
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese/English
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Long awaited sequel to TWEWY.~ This wait has been quite well worth it. Cleared main story in around 50 hrs, taking my time doing whatever sidequests and such along the way.
Black Cat ensemble and all Secret Reports in 70 hrs. Still some things to do!
Will write more details when I feel like it.

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18th November
written by Splash

Title: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Platform: Wii U
Genre: RPG
Language: English
Company: Monolith Soft
Summary: When there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to emulating this specific game, there’s a reason for it.

17th January
written by Splash

Title: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore 幻影異聞録♯FE
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Atlus
Summary: Big fat LOL to all the people who refuse to try this game because of the “censoring” they did for the Encore version. The only things they left out are unnecessary horny things that didn’t need to be in the game in the first place.

9th February
written by Splash

Title: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム 蒼炎の軌跡 Fire Emblem: Path of the Blue Flame)
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム 暁の女神 Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn)
Platform: Gamecube, Wii
Genre: SRPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo
Summary: Doing a proper playthrough for Tellius after my ignoramus runthrough back in 2010. Naturally, enjoying it a lot more this time!

13th December
written by Splash

Title: Pokemon Sun & Moon
Platform: 3DS
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese, English
Company: Gamefreak, Nintendo
Summary: Pokemon stepped up the story flow and other various things this round, overall very welcome improvements! I played Sun on my regular 3DS, and plan to play Sun again on a New 3DS when I get the chance. And Moon on regular 3DS too, in Japanese… eventually.
