Title: God of War + Ragnarok
Platform: PS4, PS5
Genre: Action
Language: English
Company: Santa Monica Studio
Summary: It’s pretty much worth going through the horrors of the oldschool games to appreciate Kratos as a character in these. lol
I don’t have too much to say atm since it all goes into spoiler territory, but it is EXCELLENT.
Title: Trinity Trigger
聖塔神記(せいとうじんき) トリニティトリガー
Platform: Switch
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: FuRyu
Summary: What is with Japan and these cringey names dealing with triangles and trinities these days.
(Note: I didn’t play the actual full game until June 2024)
In the most positive light, this game is the Three Houses lords Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard partying up with partner Digimon and battling in a Secret of Mana style game.
Anyway, some comments about the demo, as the full game releases September 15 in Japan:
Very very much a Secret of Mana clone with even the composer for it on board (Hiroki Kikuta). I’d still give it a try since I love the Mana series so much. Honestly, having the same composer is enough for me to want to give it a full playthrough, and seeing the 8 weapon circle ring clinches it hard lol.
I actually just played a couple hours on the demo currently in JP eshop, and it’s still going (I thought it would be over after this boss fight but I guess there might be some more stuff afterwards). Overall, it feels mobile game quality (think Dragalia Lost), but at least I can see getting a whole console game experience out of it, and local coop will definitely be fun. The original price tag for the game is on the expensive side (7,800 yen), so I would expect a lot of content from the full game.
Overall… well, it’s rare to get a good local coop action RPG these days that doesn’t force you to deal with trashy gacha systems, and having a new Kikuta music experience is very welcome in my book. Looking forward to seeing more of this and hope there’s news for a western release (so that I can coop with my hubby who doesn’t read JP~).
Title: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Platform: Switch
Genre: Visual Novel + RTS
Language: Japanese
Company: Vanillaware
Summary: I had mixed expectations for this game from Vanillaware but they very much exceeded overall!
Title: Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Platform: PS4
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Vanillaware
Summary: Uhh I’ve had this for a long time and have been slacking on finishing it. It’s been loads of fun though!
Title: Judgment
Platform: PS4
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, SEGA
Summary: Also on PS5 but we don’t have that yet. :3
I didn’t know I needed Kimura Takuya doing all this weird madness but I’m HERE FOR IT.
One of those fun cases where I get into something just before a sequel or something is announced, and things are just gonna get better. XD
Title: Tales of Berseria テイルズ オブ ベルセリア
Platform: PS3/PS4/PC
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: I’ll admit overall I did like this a bit more than the mess that was Zestiria, but it was still NOWHERE NEAR as good as any of the previous Tales games in most terms x_x; I appreciated some things, but mostly still hated a lot of it. Lists behind the cut…
Title: Final Fantasy XV
Platform: PS4
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix
Title: Tales of Zestiria テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア
Platform: PS3, PC, PS4
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco Bandai
Summary: Bottom line is–This has 1 and a half star ratings out of 5 on AmazonJP and for legit reasons imo. Please, DO NOT make this your first Tales experience if you have the opportunity to play any of the other PS3 Tales instead. Forget the Alisha drama, my biggest beef with this series has everything to do with everything else about the game and THEN the lack of Alisha. That’s how bad it is.