Archive for October, 2013
Title: Rakuen Danshi
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Takuyo
Summary: oof I never really got the time to sit down and play this 2013 game, but I’ll probably get back to it soon cuz I’m craving Takuyo content!
Title: Digimon Adventure
Platform: PSP
Genre: Monster raising, RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: Finally starting this.. XD But should I bother to finish…????? Likely not…
Title: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII
Platform: PS3
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Mm, I was originally going to wait on this like I did for XIII-2, but then I saw that the battle system is closer to Type-0… Putting some faith in you here, Squenix!!
I wish foremost that they didn’t call the lowest difficult mode “Easy”, the tiers should start at “Normal” and then “Hard” and then something like “Insanity” for the unlockable.