Archive for October, 2013

15th October
written by Splash

Title: Rakuen Danshi
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Takuyo
Summary: oof I never really got the time to sit down and play this 2013 game, but I’ll probably get back to it soon cuz I’m craving Takuyo content!

7th October
written by Splash

Title: Digimon Adventure
Platform: PSP
Genre: Monster raising, RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: Finally starting this.. XD But should I bother to finish…????? Likely not…

2nd October
written by Splash

Title: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII
Platform: PS3
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Mm, I was originally going to wait on this like I did for XIII-2, but then I saw that the battle system is closer to Type-0… Putting some faith in you here, Squenix!!

I wish foremost that they didn’t call the lowest difficult mode “Easy”, the tiers should start at “Normal” and then “Hard” and then something like “Insanity” for the unlockable.