Title: Tales of Berseria テイルズ オブ ベルセリア
Platform: PS3/PS4/PC
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: I’ll admit overall I did like this a bit more than the mess that was Zestiria, but it was still NOWHERE NEAR as good as any of the previous Tales games in most terms x_x; I appreciated some things, but mostly still hated a lot of it. Lists behind the cut…
Title: Tales of Zestiria テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア
Platform: PS3, PC, PS4
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco Bandai
Summary: Bottom line is–This has 1 and a half star ratings out of 5 on AmazonJP and for legit reasons imo. Please, DO NOT make this your first Tales experience if you have the opportunity to play any of the other PS3 Tales instead. Forget the Alisha drama, my biggest beef with this series has everything to do with everything else about the game and THEN the lack of Alisha. That’s how bad it is.
Title: Tokyo Jungle
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action
Language: English
Company: Crispy’s, SCE Japan Studio
Summary: Got this from the amazing flash weekend 99 cent sale from PSN and super well worth it, lawl.
Title: Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action RPG
Language: English/Japanese
Company: Namco Bandai
Summary: Uh… I’ll get to writing this review eventually?? I might not ever get to that actually, because I’m one of the few in the camp who thinks Symphonia is overrated.
Title: Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action RPG
Language: English
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Uh… I’ll get to this eventually??
Title: Time and Eternity 時と永遠 ~トキトワ~
Platform: PS3
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: I can see why a good pool of game reviewers slaughtered this game, but I can see why another pool of people absolutely love it too. XD;
Title: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII
Platform: PS3
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Square Enix
Summary: Mm, I was originally going to wait on this like I did for XIII-2, but then I saw that the battle system is closer to Type-0… Putting some faith in you here, Squenix!!
I wish foremost that they didn’t call the lowest difficult mode “Easy”, the tiers should start at “Normal” and then “Hard” and then something like “Insanity” for the unlockable.
Title: Battle Princess of Arcadias アルカディアスの戦姫 (Arcadias no Ikusahime)
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nippon Ichi
Title: Dragon’s Crown
Platform: PS3/Vita
Genre: Action RPG
Language: English (Japanese)
Company: Vanillaware/ATLUS
Summary: Well worth the money as long as you put the time into it past the slow beginnings.~~
Title: Ni no Kuni
Platform: PSP
Genre: Monster raising, RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: It took me a long time to realize, but the fact that they’re releasing the game internationally under the Japanese title instead of something like “Kingdom of Ni” is stating something in itself. Dual audio, I am ready for you.
I’ve beaten the game at under 35 hours, including a lot of sidetracking for doing as many sidequests I could do without going too far out of my way just to complete the sidequest list.