Title: Jewelic Nightmare
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Otomate, Idea Factory
Summary: Chugging through backlog starting from this 2014 game.
Gimme that Yamamoto Kana art hnggg
The UX disaster that Digimon Survive was… was bad enough to inspire me to actually start working through my Otoge VN backlog–all these games from back in early 2010s with better VN UX starting with Jewelic Nightmare cuz …Yamamoto Kana askjdhfkjdshfjkf
— Splash (◕ᴥ◕し) ⚽ (@SplashTOMATO) August 12, 2022
Title: Uta no Prince-sama All Star After Secret うたのプリンスさまっAll Star After Secret
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Broccoli
Summary: This is the only thing that keeps PSP alive in 2015…
Title: Bakumatsu Rock 幕末Rock
Platform: PSP
Genre: Novel, Rhythm
Language: Japanese
Company: Marvelous AQL
Title: Norn9: Norn + Nonette
NORN9 ノルン+ノネット
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Otomate, Idea Factory
Summary: Crazy Visual Novel Otoge with crazy nice music by Kevin Penkin and Nobuo Uematsu.
Also… 3 Heroines. Each one FULLY VOICED.
Title: Rakuen Danshi
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Takuyo
Summary: oof I never really got the time to sit down and play this 2013 game, but I’ll probably get back to it soon cuz I’m craving Takuyo content!
Title: Digimon Adventure
Platform: PSP
Genre: Monster raising, RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Bandai Namco
Summary: Finally starting this.. XD But should I bother to finish…????? Likely not…
Title: Uta no Prince-sama Music 2 うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪Music 2
Platform: PSP
Genre: Rhythm Game
Language: Japanese
Company: Broccoli
Summary: S ranked most of the pro songs much faster than the first Music game, but there are 2 songs I’m not sure if I’ll ever get. Or at least one for sure, Otoya’s SMILE MAGIC…
It was a lot easier to S-rank the songs in general this time, but I think mostly in part to just getting used to the system. On the other hand, those songs they’ve added extra challenge to get… I’ll keep trying!
Title: Uta no☆Prince-Sama♪: All Star [うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪All Star]
Console: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Broccoli
Summary: The game where Ringo gets a haircut and looks cute ^q^… Oneee of these days I should properly go through the routes, but very likely I will never get back to them. Again, I’ve been skipping through all the story just to unlock the music.
It could just be me, I’ll look into the difficulties later, but the Hard Lvl 3 is wayyyy too easy for all the songs in this title. I’ve pretty much S-ranked all of them on first try so far. ._______.
Title: Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare- ブラック ウルヴス サーガ Bloody Nightmare
Platform: PSP
Genre: Otome, Visual Novel
Language: Japanese
Company: REJET
Summary: Elza is available just as I hoped… 8D~~ and even Pearl and Richie, separately owo;; lol.
This game is a different telling from the original Black Wolves Saga for PC

Title: Danball Senki W (ダンボール戦機W)
Console: PSP
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Level-5 (with development by Tri-Ace)
Summary: Cleared the Vita version, screenshots up! Also cleared the Ranking Battle on Vita. Details in the review.
Cleared the game on the PSP before I started the Vita version (in less than 30 hours)! Lots of screenshots and stuff up. My Vita version finally arrived on November 6 (and congrats Obama!! What a memorable day).
Grinding on this game post-story is a whole ton easier than Boost, which is GREAT. I finally can actually get characters and parts to level 200 without playing hundreds of ridiculous hours.
Just to clear things up early on, and I cannot stress this enough:
PLAY DANBALL SENKI BOOST (or Baku Boost) BEFORE PLAYING THIS GAME. Even if you’ve watched the anime, you should still play the original game first. The original game experience is unique in itself. I dare say the experience of the original game is just better overall at this point, even if W has lots of great new features to it.