Archive for July, 2011
Title: Shinigami to Shoujo [死神と少女]
Console: PSP
Genre: Otome, Visual Novel
Language: Japanese
Company: Takuyo
Summary: New Takuyo game ffff.
I was actually surprised to hear the main girl has a VOICE!… Just for the prologue apparently. XD; And of course you can customize which voices you hear and don’t.
So warning, I’ve ONLY done Hinase (Tattsun)’s route, and I don’t know how long it’ll be before I have the heart to go after anyone else even though this game interests me so… ^^;;
But I really have to give it my highest rating. Takuyo’s otome games just DO NOT DISAPPOINT.
Title: Inazuma Eleven Strikers (イナズマイレブンストライカーズ)
Console: Nintendo Wii
Genre: Action, Super-dimensional Soccer
Language: Japanese
Company: Level-5
Summary: Expecting big things since the game was delayed multiple times!
Screenshots up to the first “ending” are up. I’ve added my overall score and may fill in parts of the other sections later down the line… or I might just move on, because by then I will probably be buried in Inazuma Eleven GO 3DS. XDDD
I may expand the review a little more once I’ve had my off time from this game long enough and tried Extreme. But considering the few elements they added to Extreme, I doubt I’ll be changing my overall score.
Title: Moujuutsukai to Oujisama Portable (猛獣使いと王子様 Portable)
Console: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Idea Factory
Summary: Finished Erik’s (Kaji Yuuki) route~ Finished Shimono Hiro’s route too, and possibly thinking about Terashi, Midorin and Toriumi’s routes too… but I like the older two as animals sooo much more. XD;;;;; I might just move on instead, because the story isn’t very unique for each route…