Posts Tagged ‘Nintendo’
Title: Pokemon Black/White 2 ポケットモンスターブラック2 ポケットモンスターホワイト2
Platform: NDS
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Summary: Lol it’s been over a year since I’ve played a new NDS game. I was hoping for something worthwhile beyond Black/White 2, but once again… disappoint =_= more later~
I’m actually at the big pokemon-on-the-game-cover boss and I don’t feel like grinding up my level 40 pokemon to be able to capture it. So fucking bored of the game. XD;
Title: Fire Emblem Kakusei ファイアーエムブレム覚醒
Console: Nintendo 3DS
Genre: Strategy RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Summary: Doing a whole ton of gaiden chapters and working through various support conversations occupied me a good 72 hours before I beat the game. VERY strong Fire Emblem game! Very well worth the $55 I spent to get the Japanese version.
It’s been too many years since I’ve had the support system enjoyment of the GBA games and player control that isn’t ridiculously limited like the Wii game~ And I skipped Gamecube completely. And the DS games were just remakes which I played and got bored of relatively quickly.
But THIS one’s kept me going. Mostly cuz I’m a girl and I want those support conversations. DEAL.
I am bawwww at the lack of S level supports for same gender characters. I want my bromance and sisterhoods too, kthx. But I AM wonderfully pleased at the sheer amount of supports in this game overall. Mmmmm~
Title: Fire Emblem Akatsuki no Megami
Console: Wii
Genre: SRPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Replay Value:
Overall: 6. After being spoiled with the character offerings from Fire Emblem 7 and the other GBA games, this was quite a turn backward for me. I especially don’t appreciate the lack of availability of the characters (many of the useful characters will be unavailable for dispatch for like half of the entire game), and without a guide, it becomes an ultimate chore to pull through. I don’t really care about the continuing story from the Gamecube game. It just wasn’t that fun.
Title: Pokemon Black/White
Console: NDS
Genre: RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Nintendo
Summary: You know the drill by now. Seems they’re adding quite a few features to the gameplay this round that I can perhaps put some expectations on. At least enough for famitsu to give it a 40/40.
I’ve now beaten the champion and opened access to the full Pokedex. But…