12th March
written by Splash

Title: Tennis no Ouji-Sama – Motto Gakuensai no Ouji-Sama – More Sweet Edition
Console: NDS
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: KONAMI

2nd February
written by Splash

Title: Soma Bringer
Console: NDS
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Monolith Soft

29th December
written by Splash

Title: Ouran Koukou Host-Bu DS
Console: NDS
Genre: Otome, Adventure
Language: Japanese
Company: Idea Factory

12th December
written by Splash

Title: Luminous Arc 3: Eyes
Console: NDS
Genre: Strategy RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Marvelous

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12th December
written by Splash

Title: Luminous Arc 2
Console: NDS
Genre: Strategy RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Marvelous

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12th December
written by Splash

Title: Luminous Arc
Console: NDS
Genre: Strategy RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Marvelous

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7th December
written by Splash

Title:Tales of Hearts (Anime Version)
Tales of Hearts R テイルズ オブ ハーツR
Console: NDS/Vita
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Famitsu gave the DS version a 33/40 (compared to 35/40 and 36/40 they’ve given to the other mothership titles, Abyss, Innocence, Vesperia, Graces), which I would agree with (but I don’t agree with their 32/40 for Rebirth. :| ).

Vita result – Great, but not as impressed as I hoped to be. Beat main story at around 30 hours. Dunno how much post-content stuff I’ll get through, but I do eventually want to do a second playthrough, since I didn’t bother with any subevents unless I came across them coincidentally.

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7th December
written by Splash

Title: Tales of Innocence テイルズ オブ イノセンス
Tales of Innocence R テイルズ オブ イノセンス R
Console: NDS, Vita
Genre: Action RPG, Fantasy
Language: Japanese
Company: Namco
Summary: DS result – I lost my save file for this a while back and had to start over, and now I keep forgetting to continue my play for this even though I do want to finish it. My usual incomplete RPG syndrome. XD;

Vita – Completed in under 30 hrs. Characters were level 70 post-game (out of 200) at the 30-hour mark. Pretty short, but fun! The two additional characters are really fun to play as well.

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25th November
written by Splash

Title: Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love PLUS/2nd Story
Console: NDS
Genre: Otome, Dating sim
Language: Japanese
Company: Konami
Summary: Combining both games since I played them relatively the same time. And mostly about the 2nd Story anyway. This was the first time I actually immersed myself with an otome game.

25th November
written by Splash

Title: Fushigi Yuugi
ふしぎ遊戯 玄武開伝
Console: NDS, PSP (Genbu side)
Genre: Otome, Visual Novel
Language: Japanese
