Title: Soma Bringer
Console: NDS
Genre: Action RPG
Language: Japanese
Company: Monolith Soft
Story: 6. Nothing really unique here, but nothing utterly boring, thankfully.
Characters: 6. Nothing really unique here, but nothing utterly boring, thankfully. No voice acting either, so :\ I was hoping
Graphics: 8. Unfortunately, the DS screen is just too small to really get anything out of the 3-D graphics, but this game made good use of it where it could. The enemies look great and the animation flows well, but the overall character designs still suffer a somewhat polygonal appearance.
Sound: -. I don’t remember the soundtrack much at this point, but now that I know it’s one of Mitsuda Yasunori’s compositions, it’s back on my play-again list for the future. XD I’ve found that his compositions take a lot longer than most of my other favorite composers to click in my heart, but once they do, they really stick.
Gameplay: 9. Pretty much the main reason to play the game is for the gameplay.~ A lot like the Seiken Densetsu games I so love~ You pick one of six classes to play as. Unfortunately, whatever class you pick in the beginning you’re stuck with for the entire game and you don’t get to play as any of the two allies who follow you, so… In that aspect, it’s not even as fun as Seiken Densetsu (where you can switch among the players you have). I picked a gunner for my first gameplay, which is great because you just attack from a distance and rarely have to even care about watching your HP. And you do lots of running away, fun to watch while your ally characters try to protect you~ XD
Replay Value: 8.
Overall: 7. Played this over a year ago actually, and I think I lost my save file for it, so I would probably have to start from the top again. ^^;