Title: Ouran Koukou Host-Bu DS
Console: NDS
Genre: Otome, Adventure
Language: Japanese
Company: Idea Factory
Summary: Another PS2 port. But unlike the PS2 original, Haruhi is fully voiced in here, which I find great! I do wish they’d offer voices for the protagonist you lead (and the option to turn her voice off XD) in other otome games. On the other hand, the otome value in this game ain’t much either. :\
Story: Original additional story and some original characters.
Characters: Tamaki’s my overall favorite, so I thought I’d go after him first, but I ended up finding more interest in Kyouya instead. XD~ Haven’t played through the Hitachin’s routes, but I’d be slightly interested in theirs too. That’s pretty much it…
Graphics: NEED MOAR CGs!!!
Sound: Essentially it’s just parts of the anime OST converted to DS. Sounds pretty good on the DS though.
Gameplay: Pretty simple. It’s hard to fail anything in this game with all the saving you can do.
Replay Value: Lots of extra omake scenes make fun things to listen to on the go.
Overall: 7. Lots of great things for fans of the series, but as an otome game in general, it leaves lots more to be desired.~ Like… romance? :|