Title: ぷり・プリ ~PRINCE×PRINCE~
Console: PC
Genre: BL, Visual Novel, R-18
Language: Japanese
Company: Amanatto
Summary: PLAYED IT FOR THE CAST. hurrr. This post is what got me to check it out. It’s worthless as a BL game, but the CAST. XD;;;
Story: *some weak score in here* I can’t even decide a number, it was just weak. The story is the weakest part of the game unfortunately despite being a visual novel. orz None of the routes are particularly long or engaging. All of them are essentially half-baked background stories and then sudden ATTACK THE UKE!!!! scenes. Transitions to H scenes are literally non-existent, so non-existent that even the text sometimes says “this is moodless sex” and it’s like NO BLOODY SHIT IT’S MOODLESS, THERE WAS ZERO FOREPLAY. But eh, in the end it’s better than nothing. XD;
Characters: Kaji Yuuki, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Suzumura Ken’ichi, Ueda Yuuji, Kishio Daisuke, Suwabe Jun’ichi, Suzuki Chihiro, Shimowada Hiroki, Yasumura Makoto, Itou Kentarou, Toriumi Kousuke
Graphics: 6. Some of the proportions were really odd, but I wasn’t all too turned off by the art. As long as Stephan and Curt looked nice together 8D;
Sound: 7. Music’s not bad, and not exceptionally great either XD
Gameplay: 4. The game gives you very few clues that you can just ignore two of the countries depending on which route you’re on, so I had a bit of a struggle with that at first :| Fortunately there are walkthroughs. XD;
Replay Value: Thank goodness you can hold the S button to skip through any of the text XD;
Overall: 5/10. Although I’m totally loving the cast I have to give this the lowest rank I’ve given yet just for the important part of a visual novel game, being the story… which is close to worthless in this one. XD; It’s also pretty worthless in its BL value because the actual scenes are relatively short. I also found it a bit of a pain to have to clear through all of the main prince routes just so I get to Yocchin’s Stephan. Haha. If I didn’t have such a fetish for Yoshino Hiroyuki/Kaji Yuuki, then I wouldn’t have bothered to go that far.~