Title: Hoshiiro no Okurimono portable 星色のおくりもの portable
Console: PSP
Genre: Otome
Language: Japanese
Company: Takuyo
Summary: I started this a while back during my first Takuyo frenzy when I saw that Mizushima Takahiro was on the list, but…
“Pairable” cast:
稲船 隆志 (いなふな たかし) Voice. 水島 大宙 – Inafuna Takashi – Mizushima Takahiro
鳴滝 誠悟 (なるたき せいご) Voice. 岸尾 だいすけ – Narutaki Seigo – Kishio Daisuke
明戸 紳 (あきと しん) Voice. 真殿 光昭 – Akito Shin – Madono Mitsuaki
鳴滝 宗哉 (なるたき そうや) Voice. 平川 大輔 – Narutaki Souya – Hirakawa Daisuke
I started this a while back during my first Takuyo frenzy when I saw that Mizushima Takahiro was on the list, but… when I started playing the game, the character didn’t sound anything like him so I got weirded out. D:
More than a year later, trying it again after a friend mentioned it. I DO hear Mizushima Takahiro now, but it sounds so strangeeeeee. Because it’s one of his earliest roles?
Replay Value:
Overall: 8. I actually don’t have too much to say for this title, except that it’s definitely one of Takuyo’s most laid-back games. XD I was pretty satisfied with the route I went with, and it wasn’t particularly difficult to get to that route either. Anyway, it’s a pretty nice otoge and probably good for early starters to the genre.